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You can now use the Slack command "/wuzzlio highscore" to show the top ten of your players.
After defining the teams for a game you will now see a little info about the winning change of each team. This will be calculated from the last games of these exact teams.
When it comes to sports we all love statistics! Let's check out some first stats of a user by clicking the gravatar on the highscore page.
We are proud to say that Wuzzlio supports Slack! You are now able to integrate Wuzzlio to one of your Slack channels in order to post your match draws. This way everybody knows about who's playing next. Checkout your profile settings.
We changed the authentication system. You now log into Wuzzlio with your organization settings (name and pw) instead of your user data.
Added this brand new changelog.
We added two more settings to the organization. You can now define the score that is needed for a win. Additionally you can decide if a winning teams needs a score that is two up. With these settings we are able to calculate the score of the second team, when you fill the first team's score.
First release of the alpha version.